What is iFL?Permalink
iFL is an acronym for the research project on Interactive Fault Localization performed at the Department of Software Engineering of the University of Szeged, Hungary.
iFL in a NutshellPermalink
iFL is an approach for semi-automated fault localization in computer programs, which can be used during debugging. It relies on a pre-computed list of suspicious program elements provided by a Spectrum-Based Fault Localization algorithm based on unit test coverage and test outcomes. This list is regularly updated by the programmer during the debugging session based on his/her additional knowledge, which can lead to more successful fault localization faster. For more information, check out our introduction to iFL.
Empirical Research and ImplementationPermalink
At the moment, a set of empirical research results is available and an Eclipse-based and PyCharm-based implementation is provided. iFL is an ongoing project, so there might be important features missing or even stability issues in the implementation. However, the prototype is useful for performing experiments with the approach, and hopefully, the project will eventually evolve into a practically usable tool for everyday debugging tasks.
Contact any of the authors with your ideas about the approach and the tool and help us to improve iFL.